
Customer Testimonials

“I am very pleased with the level of professionalism  provided by the design team at Riteway. They listen carefully to the brief and address the issues and challenges presented in a logical manner, consistently providing great concepts.”  

Damien Kilcommons  (Operations Manager)
Creagh Medical

“I am grateful for the hard work and exemplary service provided by Riteway Engineering. From component design to manufacture & supply they make the process seamless.”  

Robert O'Malley, General Manager
Klondike Technologies

My company has worked together with Riteway Engineering on a variety of design and engineering projects. Riteway Engineering always meet deadlines. Many which have been fast-tracked in nature. They deliver a complete project on time and in good order. Their staff is knowledgeable, courteous, and easy to work with. They listen carefully to client needs and explain things in layman terms. Riteway Engineering gives practical & affordable solutions at high quality standards. We are always pleased with their responsiveness, thoroughness, and ability to find flexible and efficient solutions for our engineering needs. I would highly recommend Riteway Engineering for clients looking for a complete engineering solution.


Alan Madden (Associate Technician | Ventilation)
Medtronic Mervue

Over the last number of years, Riteway have been one of the main tooling suppliers at VistaMed for various fixtures and process aids for Medical device assembly.  The excellent standard of work, flexibility, value and competitive lead times from Riteway have ensured a strong relationship between the two companies in recent years, which will no doubt continue into the future.  

Noel Mc Hugh (Development Engineer)
VistaMed Ltd

Riteway has been consistently supplying precision engineering to us here at Proxy Biomedical for the last six years.  Their ability to deliver to the highest standards particularly at short notice has ensured a trusted relationship between the two companies over the years.  The Management at Riteway are always available to talk through the project, to lend advice and to make adjustments where needed .

Engineering Manager – Proxy Biomedical

“Riteway Engineering is an approved vendor of Vivasure Medical for the design, manufacture and supply of precision engineering components, tooling and fixtures. We view the Riteway team as a valuable partner, providing us with technical expertise and a broad range of engineering capabilities to support our R&D and manufacturing groups. One of the key cornerstones of their service is their consistency in meeting our quality and timeline requirements. I am happy to recommend Riteway Engineering.”

Gerard Brett (CEO)
Vivasure Medical